
Here is a collection of articles and interviews where I got to talk about topics that matter a lot to me. For interview or other related requests please contact



In this TV interview, I was confronted with stereotypes that generally exist towards managers.



In this video interview with the German magazine Handelsblatt, I talk about the role of a CFO and the distribution of power in our society.



In this interview with the German news channel n-tv, I explain why global cooperation is so important right now.



Recently, Beat Balzli, chief editor of Germany’s leading business magazine, invited me to record a new episode of his podcast ‘Chefgespräch’. We discussed a variety of topics, ranging from art and how it can help to understand the versatility of life, to sustainability and the difficult relationship between innovation and fear.



In this interview with the German Handelsblatt, I talked about regulations for non-executive directors – such as the duration of their appointment, the importance of their independence and the maximum of appointments one person should have.


Good work podcast

In an episode of the ‘Good Work’ podcast, I reflected on how my daily work has changed due to the Covid 19-restrictions – and in which areas we can currently experience how well companies were prepared for digital collaboration.



In this interview with the German Handelsblatt, I talked about some of the challenges that companies are currently facing due to the Corona virus– and how globalisation can be a part of the solution by collaborating across borders on a vaccinate.


Handelsblatt, Business Insider

For a study conducted by the consultancy Hering Schuppener, I reflected on how I’ve been portrayed in media throughout my career. The results of the study were picked up by several media outlets including Handelsblatt and Business Insider.



In this German interview with the magazine eco, I talked about whether our understanding of female leadership has changed in the last couple of years – and where we need to push ourselves further. Dotmagazine has also recently published an English version of the text here.



In this interview with the German newspaper Zeit, I talked about having to change old business structures to enable diversity – but also how women need to take charge of their careers as well. Download the article here.


ESMT Berlin podcast

For an episode of the Campus 10178 podcast by the ESMT business school in Berlin, I talked about how corporate culture needs to change to allow for diversity in executive leadership.



In this blog post for the German Wirtschaftswoche, I took readers behind the scenes of my gallery opening.



And in the second part of the short blog series, I look back on how the opening went.



In this summer interview with the news outlet NDR, I met with local politician Flemming Meyer to talk about opportunities in my home state Schleswig-Holstein.



At the Handelsblatt C-Suite, I did a short video interview on what it was like to work in my first leadership position at 32 – and what I would do differently today.


FOM – DigiTalk 2019
As part of the initiative “Digitale Stadt Düsseldorf”, I joined Frank Thelen (entrepreneur and author), Klaus Weber (Director Business Excellence and member of the executive board of Janssen-Cilag GmbH) and David Matusiewicz (University chair at FOM and start-up founder) for the “DigiTalk 2019”. Among other things, we discussed how “German Angst” may keep companies and people from being innovative. You can read more about the event on the FOM website (German only).


Human Ressources Manager

It’s all about changes: In an interview with the German Human Ressources Manager, I talked about what changes and starting fresh mean to me – and why companies should be more open to them as well.


Rheinische Post

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, I was interviewed by Rheinische Post. I talked about the lack of women both in parliament and in leadership positions – and suggested some ideas how that could change, such as employees being able to manage their time and physical presence in their office more independently.



Currently, there are only very few women in the German IT industry. Starting already in kindergarden, girls are discouraged from testing their logical skills or becoming interested in the STEM fields. For a Deutschlandfunk piece, I got to talk about what could help increase the numbers of women in STEM jobs – from Home Office options to legislation.


Anne Will talkshow

I recently had the great opportunity to discuss how innovation and digitalization are impacting the workforce on a German primetime talk show called Anne Will. You can find the video of the show here.



For a podcast with the magazine, Christoph Bornschein and I talked about power in the work space, hierarchies and how work environments could change if power was distributed more equally.


Edition F

After speaking at Female Future Force Day, I had an interesting conversation with Edition F magazine on how the representation of women within companies has changed – and what we still have to work on in the next years.


Finance Magazin

With the German Finance Magazine, I talked about whether fixed quota for women in board positions make sense or not.



The German Handelsblatt stopped by my office for a chat on the meaning of power in companies – especially for women.
[Handelsblatt, Kirsten Ludowig, “Ich mag Macht – ohne ist man ohnmächtig”, 11.08.2018. ]



Supervising companies and loving art are two completely different things? I don’t think so – and the German Handelsblatt agrees with me in this nice portrait.
[Handelsblatt, Kirsten Ludowig, “Simone Menne – die künstlerische Kontrolleurin”, 11.08.2018.]



The German Newspaper “Handelsblatt” issued an article about the developments in German Supervisory Boards. There is a promising trend towards more diversity in gender as well as background and boards are becoming more colourful. I strongly believe that various perspectives will help to see the customer and employee point of view better and therefore help the management in steering the company successfully.
[Handelsblatt, Dieter Fockenbrock, „Immer mehr Digitalexperten und Ausländer in Deutschlands Aufsichtsräten“, 20.07.2018.]



For Süddeutsche Zeitung, start-up founder Verena Pausder and I talked about being a leader as a woman and how we as a society can prepare for the “digital age”. The conversation was turned into podcast on our experiences as business women.



18 women – 18 stories: It was an honour to share my story in the ARD documentary “The little difference”:



I had a chat with German Bunte magazine about my future plans.



During this interview with German magazine Stern, I got to talk about why the #metoo movement matters in Germany as well and why women should aim for power in their work environment.



My opinion on Lufthansa’s new design was cited by German magazine Wirtschaftswoche (“Lufthansa fliegt zum ersten Mal im neuen Blau – Ex-Finanzchefin Menne nicht begeistert“ by Tristan Heming, May 11). I still ask myself: Where is the iconic Lufthansa yellow?


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