Wie verändert Digitalisierung die Arbeitswelt?

Wie verändert Digitalisierung die Arbeitswelt? Digitalisierung ist schon lange Teil unseres Alltags. Sie ist unsere ständige Begleiterin in allen Lebensbereichen – auch in der Arbeitswelt. Egal wo, ihre Auswirkungen sind allgegenwärtig: Menschen bedienen täglich Maschinen, Daten werden in Millisekunden verarbeitet und übertragen, und mit nur wenigen Klicks können Kollegen und Kolleginnen in verschiedenen Städten in Echtzeit miteinander über Strategien diskutieren.

Digitalisierung ist schon lange Teil unseres Alltags. Sie ist unsere ständige Begleiterin in allen Lebensbereichen – auch in der Arbeitswelt. Egal wo, ihre Auswirkungen sind allgegenwärtig: Menschen bedienen täglich Maschinen, Daten werden in Millisekunden verarbeitet und übertragen, und mit nur wenigen Klicks können Kollegen und Kolleginnen in verschiedenen Städten in Echtzeit miteinander über Strategien diskutieren.

Wie hat sich die Rolle von Aufsichtsräten im Laufe der Zeit verändert?

Wie hat sich die Rolle von Aufsichtsräten im Laufe der Zeit verändert? Das Amt des Aufsichtsrates gibt es seit 1870 – ich selbst bin seit etwas mehr als fünf Jahren in Aufsichtsräten tätig. Heute gehe ich aber weder auf die gesamte Geschichte dieser Institution noch auf die kurze Zeit meiner eigenen Erfahrungen in diesem Bereich ein. Stattdessen konzentriere ich mich auf die vergangenen 20 bis 50 Jahre. In dieser Zeit hat sich nicht nur das Aufgabenspektrum von Aufsichtsräten verändert – sie müssen auch mehr Vorschriften berücksichtigen als früher.

Das Amt des Aufsichtsrates gibt es seit 1870 – ich selbst bin seit etwas mehr als fünf Jahren in Aufsichtsräten tätig. Heute gehe ich aber weder auf die gesamte Geschichte dieser Institution noch auf die kurze Zeit meiner eigenen Erfahrungen in diesem Bereich ein. Stattdessen konzentriere ich mich auf die vergangenen 20 bis 50 Jahre. In dieser Zeit hat sich nicht nur das Aufgabenspektrum von Aufsichtsräten verändert – sie müssen auch mehr Vorschriften berücksichtigen als früher.

„Ich bin eine Quotenfrau”


Schon zu Beginn meiner beruflichen Laufbahn bei der Lufthansa hatte ich eine Erkenntnis, die mich während meiner gesamten Karriere begleiten sollte: In der Chefetage, insbesondere im Finanzbereich, war ich eine von wenigen, manchmal sogar die einzige Frau im Raum. Schließlich wurde ich nicht nur die einzige, sondern die erste weibliche Finanzchefin in einem deutschen DAX-Unternehmen. […]

The market place for art goods: how a gallery works

The market place for art goods: how a gallery works As a gallery owner, I notice time and again that many people know little about galleries and are therefore afraid to look around. Maybe they are unsure about how to behave or simply do not know how a gallery works – a problem that I want to solve with the following lines. So let’s take a look at how to visit an art gallery.

As a gallery owner, I notice time and again that many people know little about galleries and are therefore afraid to look around. Maybe they are unsure about how to behave or simply do not know how a gallery works – a problem that I want to solve with the following lines. So let’s take […]

Why more women should speak in podcasts and take the stage

Why more women should speak in podcasts and take the stage While talking to all the inspiring women who were guests in my podcast “Die Boss – Macht ist weiblich”, I realized that many of them face similar challenges in their professional and personal lives. I think it is key to talk about these obstacles publicly, so that other women can benefit from the lessons learned and experience women have already made. However, accepting the status quo and providing other women with the knowledge on how to cope best with these obstacles constructed by a patriarchal society is not enough – together with many others I want to transform our economic system towards one of gender equality. Part of this transformation is that women across all sectors – whether already in managing positions or on their way up, should become more present in public discourse. Being a guest in a podcast is the perfect way to start!

  While talking to all the inspiring women who were guests in my podcast “Die Boss – Macht ist weiblich”, I realized that many of them face similar challenges in their professional and personal lives. I think it is key to talk about these obstacles publicly, so that other women can benefit from the lessons […]

A bitter pill to swallow – how medical studies exclude(d) women

A bitter pill to swallow – how medical studies exclude(d) women When I followed the recent media coverage of AstraZeneca and read about the way the vaccine has more adverse effects in women than men, I couldn’t help but think about an issue that still hasn’t been resolved yet. Once again, it has become evident: when it comes to pharmaceutical products, your biological sex makes a difference. Something scientists have known since the 1950s, and which should be self-evident by now. Yet, it wasn’t until 2014 that the European Union passed a new clinical trial regulation (No 536/2014) stating that trials should primarily represent the gender, age or ethnic group that was most likely to use the medicinal product. To mark the occasion of the International Day of Action for Women’s Health on the 28th of May, I’d like to share with you a little more about the subject.

When I followed the recent media coverage of AstraZeneca and read about the way the vaccine has more adverse effects in women than men, I couldn’t help but think about an issue that still hasn’t been resolved yet. Once again, it has become evident: when it comes to pharmaceutical products, your biological sex makes a […]

Don’t miss this year’s International Museum Day

Don’t miss this year’s International Museum Day Besides being a great song, The Sound Of Silence resonates with me for an altogether different reason. It conjures up what I like best about museums, art galleries, all those marvellous places that have been doomed to temporary closure. Inside those buildings I can fully immerge myself in an intense, almost muffled atmosphere. A setting which allows me to be fully intent on the surrounding art. A silence that, just like the objects in it, is almost palpable.

Why we will still need museums in our increasingly digital world Besides being a great song, The Sound Of Silence resonates with me for an altogether different reason. It conjures up what I like best about museums, art galleries, all those marvellous places that have been doomed to temporary closure. Inside those buildings I can […]

Is gender-neutral language necessary?

Is gender-neutral language necessary? I can most definitely say: yes, it is necessary that we all consider gender-neutral language, educate ourselves and make up our minds on how we want to use it. The challenges vary from language to language, and there are different obstacles in written versus spoken language. But the main question remains the same: do we exclude and offend certain groups of people in how we communicate?

  I can most definitely say: yes, it is necessary that we all consider gender-neutral language, educate ourselves and make up our minds on how we want to use it. The challenges vary from language to language, and there are different obstacles in written versus spoken language. But the main question remains the same: do […]

Art goes digital – my first Instagram livestream

Art goes digital – my first Instagram livestream Art is always linked to the respective time in which it is created and goes hand in hand with the corresponding developments and advances. Thus, every decade gives birth to new techniques, creating exciting possibilities for artists. This was the case for letterpress printing in the late Middle Ages, portrait painting in the Renaissance, video art, and finally the possibilities of today's digital artwork. Big Data, signals and sensors characterize the age we live in. Digitization is changing our society, our culture and our perception. In doing so, it not only influences the way art is made, but also offers us new ways of presenting artworks.

  Art is always linked to the respective time in which it is created and goes hand in hand with the corresponding developments and advances. Thus, every decade gives birth to new techniques, creating exciting possibilities for artists. This was the case for letterpress printing in the late Middle Ages, portrait painting in the Renaissance, […]

A list full of role models – FemaleOneZero’s “Forty over Forty”

A list full of role models – FemaleOneZero’s “Forty over Forty” Forty inspiring women: each year, the online magazine FemaleOneZero’s “Forty over Forty” listicle honors female pioneers from all fields, be it politics, science, arts, activism, or business – and I’m proud to say that this year, I have been added to the list!

  Forty inspiring women: each year, the online magazine FemaleOneZero’s “Forty over Forty” listicle honors female pioneers from all fields, be it politics, science, arts, activism, or business – and I’m proud to say that this year, I have been added to the list! In 2021, “Forty over Forty” focused particularly on women who create […]

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